Leaves are one of the essential things that exist on earth. Without them, we wouldn’t have photosynthesis, so that means we wouldn’t have oxygen and couldn’t breathe. The smallest leaf on a tree branch feeds us and all the animals of the planet with the oxygen we need to survive. So, it’s not a surprise that many people choose to get a leaf tattoo. There are thousands of various tree and plant species, and every single leaf on each tree is unique. It can be hard to know what you want exactly. Today, we are going to help you choose, and we will get a more in-depth look at a common maple leaf tattoo meanings and ideas. If you love nature, trees, Canada, and tattoos – stay here for a few minutes. We have gathered the most beautiful tattoo ideas, so you will find the inspiration you seek!

Maple tree – from Japan to Europe
The maple is a tree or shrub which has approximately 128 species. Most of the species are native to Japan and China, with some of the species appearing in Europe and the Americas. And there is only one type that we can find in the Southern Hemisphere – Acer Laurinum. During autumn, the leaves of maple become brightly reddish, purple. Then they start to slowly fall to the ground until the whole tree becomes naked. Because of this feature, the maple leaf became a symbol of the passing time. Also, in Japan, it is a symbol of the lovers.

Tattooists have always used many motives of leaves, and one of the most popular ones is the Japanese maple leaf. We can find many Japanese paintings with the image of this leaf floating in water, or blown by the wind. In tattoo designs, we can see that many people get a single Japanese maple leaf on their backs, chest or forearms. The color of the leaf tattoo also represents a symbolical meaning. For example, a green or yellow leaf tattoo may symbolize hope or a new beginning. However, a dark reddish maple leaf may express your loss or your sadness.

Another popular version of maple leaf tattoo is the one that comes from the Canadian flag. As a tree, maple represents the strength and endurance. So, maybe that’s why Canadian Forces also use maple leaves on their military rank insignia?

Maple leaf tattoo meaning
Maple is a vigorous tree that can survive cold and massive storms. Therefore, many people associate maple leaves with strength and resistance to the challenges of life. But, it is worth mentioning, that the meaning of maple leaf differs from the region. Let’s take a closer look at what symbols a maple leaf tattoo can have.

In Asia, the maple leaf has always been a symbol of love. We can find the image of a maple leaf on Asian furniture and a variety of other things. So, by getting a maple leaf on their bodies, many people signify their love for a person or the world. However, as we have mentioned before, it can also have an opposite meaning. For example, we can find the image of the maple leaf on the ancient Celtic art. For them, a maple leaf was a symbol of resistance, strength, and invincibility.

In the Baltic and Slavic regions, the maple was often a sacred tree. In many Baltic folk tales, we can find stories about how a person becomes a tree. Or how an old man dies, when someone cuts the old tree that used to grow near his house. So, another symbol of the maple leaf is a human’s profound connection with nature.

Maple leaf tattoo – who should get it?
It is a beautiful image which you can place anywhere on the body, and it is suitable for both men and women. If you like the concept of small tattoos, the maple leaf is a great choice. Moreover, if you feel a strong connection with nature – it’s a fantastic choice. Keep in mind that you don’t need to follow the general meanings of a tattoo. You can always give it your unique perspective. For example, it can remind you of your homeland, or it can be a mark of your child’s birth.

Another cool idea is a matching maple leaf tattoos. It is a perfect choice for a couple, sisters, brothers or best friends. You can get a small, plain, black outline maple leaf tattoo somewhere on your rib cage or upper arm. Also, it’s an excellent option for those who don’t like big tattoos. A small, minimalist style maple leaf will look great almost anywhere on your body.

Also, there is always an option to add other elements to a maple leaf tattoo. People like to get koi fish or sakura flower together with the maple leaf. While it sounds good, because it may represent many symbols, but in reality, it doesn’t look beautiful. Every element you incorporate with any tattoo has to be either realistic or abstract/minimal. So, if you are getting an outline maple leaf, the other items should also be in the same style. All in all, it is up to you to choose what kind of design you would like to get.

Maple leaf tattoo ideas
There are lots of different style of maple leaf tattoos. But we have gathered only the most beautiful ones from all over the internet. We have noticed a lot of kitsch in this particular tattoo design. So we advise you to spend some quality time searching for an ideal idea. Because you will have the tattoo for the rest of your life, so you should be confident about its style. Anyway, we leave you with the best maple leaf tattoos below. We hope you will find a perfect one right here!