Leaf tattoo may represent many different things. For religious people, it is a symbol of truth and honesty, while for others it may be just a beautiful nature’s creation. No matter what reasons encouraged you to look for leaf tattoos, we invite you to read further. We’ve selected marvelous examples of leaves and their meanings.

Leaf tattoo meaning
The primary purpose of the leaves is to provide oxygen and eliminate harmful carbon monoxide from the air. Also, they absorb sunlight and in this way generate food for the plant. After that, many animals, bugs, and worms eat them. Humans also use leaves for cooking – we make herbs and spices out of them. We even use it for manufacturing drugs, some legal some not. So, we can see that it is an essential thing not only for us but for the whole ecosystem.

As for the symbolical meanings, the green leaf embodies renewal and hope. However, the dead or brown leaves symbolize sadness and decay. Generally, it is a symbol of growth and fertility. In China, the leaves on the Cosmic Tree represents all the living beings in the universe. Another symbolical meaning of the leaf comes from the Biblical Story of Creation. When Adam for the first time learns the shame of the nakedness, he immediately covers himself with a huge leaf.

On the other hand, the rustling leaves have always been a sign of nearby danger, so it can also have a negative meaning. But, in Western culture, to turn over a new leaf means to start something from the beginning and to amend the past mistakes. On a family tree, the leaves represent the people, so it may also be a tribute to a family member who passed away. Of course, our list wouldn’t be complete without four-leaf clover, which is a symbol of luck.
Leaf tattoo ideas
As you can see, it has many meanings. When getting a tattoo, other factors such as color and other elements add up. For example, a green leaf may symbolize spring and new hope, while a brown represents sadness and endings. Also, the leaves can have other forms like wreaths, which are the symbols of triumph and victory. So, before getting a leaf on your body, make sure you know its meaning. Choose from many different types such as the fern, palm, maple or others accordingly to your taste. Try to be as creative as possible and take a look at our collection below. We hope you’ll find your dream idea here!