Have you ever wondered why the avocado tattoo is so popular? Recently, it became a huge trend among millennials and hipsters, and it makes sense. Avocado tattoos are a cool choice for vegetarians and vegans, so it’s not surprising that many young people love it. But despite the popularity, these fruits are still a fascinating and unusual choice for a tattoo. It’s not only a delicious ingredient of your guacamole, but also beautiful fruit with beautiful symbolism. Let’s take a more in-depth look at avocados and their meanings.

Avocado tattoo meaning
Kitchen chefs know that avocado is a fruit that can go with almost any other product. Its creamy, buttery, and bitter taste makes it one of the most neutral fruits of all. Some even might say that is one of the best inventions of nature! Well, without it, the guacamole wouldn’t taste that good. It doesn’t even matter if you don’t have the other ingredients for the tortilla. The guacamole avocado solves everything.

There are hundreds of tasty recipes that include avocado, and it’s no wonder why people like them so much. It’s super nutritious as it contains more than 20 different vitamins and minerals. From protecting our eyes, to even preventing cancer – avocado is a fruit that is good for our health. So, as you could have guessed it – the primary avocado tattoo meaning is our health.

Because of the so many health benefits of the avocado, it has become an ultimate symbol of the healthy lifestyle. Many people use the avocado oil as a youth potion which softens the skin and smoothes wrinkles. Also, avocado is antibacterial, and it heals wounds, soothes infections as well as relieves pain. So, it is also an ultimate symbol of youth and beauty.

Moreover, the ancient Aztecs believed that the fruit had aphrodisiac qualities. Due to its shape, they named it Ahacatl (the green testicle). And they also thought that avocado would help to stimulate the sexual energy.

Avocado tattoo variations
The most popular choice is to get a tattoo of one half of avocado. Often, another person such as the sister, best friend or wife/husband, inks another half. So, in this way avocado symbolizes the strong connection between the two. Since the avocado tattoos are most popular among the younger people, they prefer minimal style. However, if you like traditional tattooing – there are also many options of that.

The avocado can express many things that are important to you. For example, it can remind you of something or someone that you care about very much. It can also be a symbol of your love for nature, plants, and universe. Or it could represent your choice not to eat meat and consume only fruits and vegetables. After all, every tattoo is unique in its way, and it doesn’t have to resemble any ordinary meanings.

All in all, it doesn’t even have to mean everything. If you like the taste and the look of avocado – it’s a pretty good reason to get a tattoo. Just make sure you are in the hands of a professional tattooist. Also, spend some time choosing a color of your tat. Since the avocado has many different shades, it is essential that you and your tattoo artist pick the right one. Otherwise, you may end up having a color of rotting fruit, which you don’t want to happen.

Avocado tattoo ideas
So, as you can see, the avocado is a beautiful tattoo with lots of symbolical meanings. If you are thinking of getting it on your body, you probably already know a lot about it. But, for the inspiration, take a look at our selection of most beautiful avocado tattoos ⬇. You will discover that usually, people choose small or medium size avocados. The most common body parts are forearms, thighs, chest or wrists. And as always – don’t be afraid to experiment with some new ideas! If you want, combine your avocado with some other delicate elements such as flowers or other fruits.