Small traditional tattoos weren’t so popular for the past few decades. But today this trend is changing, and more people want to get a classy tattoo. So, if you’re looking for small traditional tattoo ideas, check out this page. We’ve gathered lots of cool classic small tattoos. Let’s begin!

The origin of small traditional tattoos
The first thing that comes to mind when thinking of traditional tattoos is the USA. That’s right; the right old sailor tattoos came from here. However, many other traditional tattooing techniques came from other parts of the world. For instance, Japan or New Zealand.

Many people have a traditional tattoo but don’t call it that way. The word ‘traditional’ got its meaning over the years. Today, there are lots of different tattooing styles and the art of tattooing has spread all over the world. Seventy years back from today, tattooing wasn’t so popular and the style that we now call ‘traditional tattoos’ has been the only tattooing style.

Traditional tattoos have other names like old school tattoos and classic tattoos. It’s the same style. Sometimes, a modern style tattoo can a motif of a traditional tattoo, for example, an anchor or a heart. So, you can’t call it a traditional tattoo. However, it’s much easier to define a small traditional tattoo, because it is small in size and usually don’t have complicated design elements.

Best placements to get a traditional tattoo
Small traditional tattoos are generally the ones that have a limited color palette. Usually, it has no more than three or four colors. The most popular colors are red, black, green and yellow. Colors of small traditional tattoos are always very bright. Also, traditional tattoos don’t have any shades or shadows.

The most popular placements for small traditional tattoos are fingers, hands, and wrists. Arms are also a trendy placement. But you shouldn’t limit yourself just to these choices. Because it’s going to be small, you can get it almost wherever on your body. So be creative!

By the way, the world’s greatest tattoo artists consider this style of tattooing the most challenging. It requires a lot of skill, which a tattooist gets through practice, experience and time. In today’s modern tattoo world, it has become a challenge for the artists to maintain the old styles without losing their originality.

Most popular small traditional tattoo designs
Remember that if you don’t like the whole concept of traditional tattoos, you can always take just one part of it. For example, you can combine a classic tattoo with a new style. Large and sophisticated tattoo designs look good, but that’s why small traditional tattoos are so awesome – they are simple and easy to get.

The most popular traditional tattoo designs are hearts, swallows, skulls, swords, and daggers. Also roses, letters, snakes, lions, eagles, and ships. You can get these designs in a large format with perfect detailing. But, when we’re talking about small traditional tattoos, we know that we can’t shrink an eagle to a tiny tattoo and maintain an excellent detailing. So, before getting any tattoo, you should think out what kind of design would you like to get.