Small rose tattoos are probably the most popular of all flower tattoos. They’re especially adored by women. But they also look very great on men. And you will see that in our examples below. So, no matter you’re a man or a woman, you should check out these beautiful small rose tattoos. Maybe you’ll find your dream tattoo here!
What is the meaning of rose tattoos?
First of all, the rose has many different meanings. They mostly vary depending on its color. The main symbols of rose are love, honor, faith, beauty, balance, passion, wisdom, intrigue, devotion, sensuality and timelessness.
In the Christian symbolism, the red rose was a symbol of the blood of the Christ. While the Troubadours depicted it as a tangible symbol of earthly love. These days, people also think of the rose as a symbol of love. In alchemy, the white and the red rose is a symbol of a dual system – Sulphur and Mercurius. A rose with seven petal rows refers to the seven metals and their corresponding planets. Also, a compound of a rose and a cross is a symbol of Rosicrucianism.
Small rose tattoos by colors
As mentioned before, rose symbols vary depending on its color. For example, a black rose is a symbol of a painful loss. However, the black rose tattoo has a much more positive meaning. Although it symbolizes the death, it can also mean something new and inspire courage and enthusiasm.
Small Rose Tattoo On The Right Hand. Artist unknown. Source.Small rose tattoo on the side. Artist unknown. Source.Simple small rose tattoo on the hand. Artist unknown. Source.Small Rose Tattoo On cubital fossa. Artist unknown. Source.Sexy rose tattoo on the left hip. Artist unknown. Source.Another black small rose tattoo. Artist unknown. Source.
A red rose symbolizes the passion and the true love. In the 18th century, secret lovers were sending red roses as a sign of an eternal love. Exactly in this age, the rose became the symbol of the true and eternal love.
Small Red Rose Tattoo on a forearm. Artist unknown. Source.A small red rose tattoo on forearm. Artist: Lena Fedchenko. Source.A tiny red rose tattoo on the ankle. Artist unknown. Source.Small Red Rose Tattoo On inner Forearm. Artist unknown. Source.A tiny red rose tattoo with words “Amor Fati”. Artist unknown. Source.Small rose tattoo with words on inner forearm. Artist unknown. Source.
Now the pink rosessymbolize joy, happiness, and admiration. Therefore, pink roses are usually embedded into bridal bouquets. Light pink rose is a symbol of gentleness, joy, and elegance. While brighter shades of pink rose mean sympathy or admiration. In general, pink rose tattoos mean gentle thoughts and pure emotions.
Small pink rose tattoo. Artist: Isaarttattoo. Source.Rising rose tattoo on forearm. Artist unknown. Source.A tiny pink rose tattoo on an arm. Artist: Luiza Oliveira. SourceAnother subtle and small pink rose tattoo. Artist unknown. Source.A watercolor Korean style pink rose tattoo on the ankle. Artist unknown. Source.Another beautiful example of watercolor style pink rose tattoo. Artist unknown. Source.
Placement of a small rose tattoo
As any other small tattoo rose tattoos can be placed basically everywhere. The most beloved body parts though are wrist, hand, inner forearm, fingers, hip, ankle and behind the ear. But don’t just take these for granted! Creativity and ideas are the most important things while choosing the best placement of a small rose tattoo.
Dainty Rose tattoo on the wrist. Artist: Inkee. Source.Another red rose tattoo on the wrist. Artist unknown. Source.Red rose tattoo on the inner wrist. Artist unknown. Source.A tattoo of a hand holding a red rose. Artist unknown. Source.A tiny red rose tattoo between the middle of the arm and the wrist. Artist unknown. Source.Another beautiful example of a small rose tattoo on an ankle. Artist unknown. Source.Surely all girls would love to have this beautiful and sexy tattoo on the hip. Artist unknown. Source.Super tiny black rose tattoo between the pinky and the ring finger. Artist unknown. Source.While small rose tattoos look great on an individual person they can also make a great matching or a couple tattoo. Artist unknown. Source.A tiny black rose tattoo in the middle of the right arm. Artist unknown. Source.A red rose tattoo above the ankle. Artist unknown. Source.Definitely one of the most beautiful colorful rose tattoos. Artist: Tattooist Up. Source.Simple yet subtle small rose tattoo. Artist unknown. Source.Small rose tattoo between the point and the middle finger. Artist unknown. Source.Another simple and tiny black rose tattoo on the wrist. Artist: ShortyLoco. Source.A tiny rose tattoo under the right boob. Artist unknown. Source.Here is another beautiful example of a red rose tattoo. Artist unknown. Source.Certainly the sexiest small rose tattoo of all. Artist unknown. Source.Another tiny black rose tattoo on the arm. Artist unknown. Source.s And of course – a blue rose tattoo on ankle. Artist unknown. Source.