Crystal tattoo carries a lot of energy. There are many different types of crystals, and each one of them has an individu...
Shark tattoo as the shark itself for most people associate with fear or danger and causes panic. However, these magnific...
Ship tattoo was once a trendy choice among the sailors. But today, they represent a much larger group of people. If you ...
Cactus tattoo is not the one you will see very often, although these days, it is getting more popular. At first sight, i...
Flower of life tattoo is a beautiful and also meaningful tattoo. It usually consists of 19 intertwined small circles of ...
Armband tattoo became very popular in the past few years. Some tattooists claim that this tattoo is going to be the most...
Traditional rose tattoo is a choice for those who don't like the modern style. Today, the rose itself is undoubtedly one...
Sun and moon tattoo look great separately on the skin. But if you want a more impressive tattoo, you should think about ...
Raven tattoo is a beautiful choice both for men and women who have close relations with nature. The raven is one of thos...
Peony tattoo is a perfect choice for the people who enjoy flowers and other plants. Peonies have a long history, and the...